Adult Assessment for Mental Health
Child and Adult Assessment – Psychoptions 087 387 6841
087 387 6841
Getting a diagnosis and treatment can change how you live the rest of your life by dealing with what’s under the surface…

Maybe you feel it is now time for a change
We can not keep doing the same things and expect a different outcome. Different results depend on using different behaviours Adult Assessment – Psychoptions 087 387 6841
Time to start a new chapter in your life
If you consider your life like a book you can decide the chapters to put in it. Could be that the ones you have so far written have not been working out for you and new thinking and action is needed going forwards. Adult Assessment – Psychoptions 087 387 6841
087 387 6841
Time to stop old habits
This could be the time to do things that work instead of just do things because of habit or aversion to change. If your habits and behaviours are blocking you from having a fulfilled life or achieving your goals then they are not helpful or useful to you.
When you start to work on your goals you can maybe start a relationship with a partner who could understand you, but you have to know yourself first
If you are an considering anything above call for a chat. Things that worry you or don’t give the results you want need to be addressed and we are happy to do so.
You can email us or call as you prefer
087 387 6841